Telecommunications operator improves network performance with SON solution

, Fev 28, 2014

One of the largest operators in the Country wasn’t making use of all its network resources, compromising the quality of service provided to customers. From a consultancy approach, PromonLogicalis in partnership with Cisco, presented to the company a SON project (Self Organizing Network), solution based on servers and software that analyze in real time the operator’s mobile network’s quality parameters (KPIs for 3G, 4G and in the future, WiFi and Femtocell), searching for optimization through reconfiguration and repositioning of network access equipment.

The SON solution offered to the company is able to balance clients between operator’s antennas and frequency zones, creating lists of antennas and nearby zones in automated way, alternating transmission power to cover shadow zones and even changing the physical direction of motorized antennas to direct the signal towards interest zones. There are also components in the solution aiming to optimize networks serving large events environments, such as sport arenas or large music concerts.
At first, the deal was closed to implement the solution in three state capitals (Sao Paulo, Manaus and Curitiba), but the goal is to expand it to other regions.

As benefit, the company will improve its network capacity and leverage the quality of provided services, offering a better user experience without the need to increase investments in infrastructure and, especially in frequency. The SON project is completely replicable and is of high value to operators, since it allows for a better user experience and for improved network resources.

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